A summer storm was brewing. Rayne was showing the first signs of labor: panting, nesting, pacing, and the storm didn't help her nerves. Normally never affected by storms, tonight she was on edge. Perhaps is was the annoying pressure and pain that squeezed at her belly. Thankfully, she had a nice warm dry place inside to have her babies.
The storm blew through, and although rumblings continued in the far distance, the night soon settled into a quiet peace. Rayne was restless all night long, taking cat-naps. Her time was drawing near.
Sunrise was early, before 6 AM. The birds were singing, there was a light misty fog, and the air smelled cool, clean and damp. By mid-morning Rayne's nesting was getting much more serious, and her contractions were coming closer together. The early morning blue sky was starting to cloud over as another shower moved in. Just as the rain started to fall, Rayne's first born girl arrived. A beautiful light brown sable, she was given the Sky Blue ribbon and named Summer Shower. Twenty minutes later, as the sun started peeking out from between the clouds, Rayne's second girl arrived. Another light brown sable, a twin to the first girl. She was given the bright Yellow ribbon and named Rae of Sunshine.
Rayne then rested for almost two hours, allowing her new daughters to nurse. The sun was shining, the breeze was gentle, and a calmness settled over the summer afternoon. A couple of contractions and Rayne's third puppy arrived. This was her first born son. He was by far the biggest and strongest of the three, a very determined little boy. He was given the dark green ribbon and named Rumbling Thunder.
Exhaustion had set in, and sleep was needed. Rayne peacefully closed her eyes and rested.
Summer, Sunny, and Rumble all nestled close to their mom for the night.

Stay tuned for chapter 2.....
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